
Poesy plus Polemics

"Troika Racing Through the Snow" Painting by Konstantin Alexeievitch Korovin From “Troika Racing Through the Snow”
Painting by Konstantin Alexeievitch Korovin

snowbanked lanes
rise and dip
winding winter
through woodlands
surrounding colonial
cottages glowing
with firelight warm
scent of woodsmoke
on air crackling crisp
nature’s breath
sweet as maple
sap ready to run
sound carries
remote country
distance soft echoes
find ears with a
gratified peace

as I peer through
my trees I imagine
three canter abreast
muted clops coming
toward me the whoosh
of a sleigh tinkling
bells growing closer
and waving to me
from their bundling
furs two beaming
cold-reddened faces
who hail me in Slavic
Zhivago and Lara
with Pasternak
tucked in behind
this day promises
grand conversation

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